EmailTweet 0 Full-screen Healing Green Breakfast Pops By Elyse Desserts April 12, 2017 Ever think breakfast + popsicles could be in same category? Of course they can, think ‘frozen smoothie.’ Mantra: It’s easy being healthy & eating green! *Brain Health, *Cell Protection *Heart Health Prep: 5 mins Cook: 8 hrs Yields: 4 to 6 Pops Ingredients 1 handful spinach or kale 1 handful of frozen pineapple and/or kiwi cubes 1 cup coconut milk 1 Tablespoon Matcha tea powder Directions 1In a high-speed blender, blend ingredients until smooth. 2Pour into pop molds and freeze overnight. 3Pop out and take on the go with you.Juicy Tip: Use organic Matcha tea powder like this one. close full screen 00:00 0 Reviews Cancel replyYour review ...All fields are required to submit a review.Your name ... Your email ... Δ