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Do you ever swallow your emotions with a fist full of potato chips, a bag of cookies or an entire coffee cake? Maybe you’ve found yourself behind closed doors with candy wrappers… (hands raised!) No matter how much control you have over your emotions, chances are you deal with emotional eating from time to time.

How do I know this?

I’m fortunate enough to have a very close relationship with someone who works hard to overcome emotional eating.  That someone is moi! Plus, I’ve worked with a number of emotional eaters from around the world. Many are professionals in the fields of nutrition, psychology and medicine; along with others who have worked for years to master the pull and fierce force of self-soothing with food. I’d love to share a secret sauce tip with you…

It’s literally impossible to eradicate or numb our emotions, especially negative feelings of stress, overwhelm, anger and hurt. That’s because, our feelings are there for a reason. They’re key indicators and hard-wired to let us know when we need to look beyond them to get to the root cause of what’s going on.

While it may seem like a big task, managing our emotions is a lifelong process and skill. It’s also one where we can’t do alone. In fact, it’s even worse to do it by yourself. It is best to practice managing your emotions on a daily basis. In this video interview, I’m going to show you three steps to curb your emotional eating tendencies.

(Keep Reading to Find Out More)

Powerful tools to use in the moment that may save you from a downward spiral into a black hole of emotional eating. (Interview)


I’m so grateful to have come across an analogy a loooooong time ago that I use anytime I’m in an emotional eating crisis. It works about 9 out of 10 times.

I’m also grateful for the experiences I have that evoke old thoughts, feelings and behaviors because it gives me the chance to strengthen my mindfulness and empowered eating muscle. 

In this interview, you’ll learn two keys that you must remember if you want to overcome emotional eating.

These simple, yet profound steps that can help put you back in charge as the CEO of your health, build your confidence and make a significant impact when you start spiraling out of control with your food.

Remember this. It’s never about the food. When you feel stuck, angry, anxious or upset, there’s one important mindset tool that you need and I’ll share it with you in this episode.

Plus, I’m sharing the long-term effects of emotional eating on overall well-being.

Now, I’d love to hear from you.

In the comments below, tell me about a time when you flexed your empowered eating muscle and were able to deal with your emotions before feeding them. 

Or tell me about how you see using this simple tip in your daily life the next time you find yourself in the emotional stew.

Please share as much detail as possible in your reply. Your story may inspire someone else to have a meaningful insight or observation about their own life and behavior.

As always thank you for reading and watching.