How To Empower Other Women
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As women, we receive so many mixed messages about how we are perceived when we are living in our power.
And so many women wind up feeling disempowered…
In my experience this happens for a lot of different reasons but one of the biggest reasons I’ve seen is that they feel at a loss of power themselves – that life and how they live it is out of their control.
I’ve been there (I think most of us have at one point or another)…. And the one thing I’ve learned is that the only one who has true power of yourself is YOU.
I’ve also learned that while you can choose disempowerment – you can also choose to shift into feeling a sense of empowerment by the thoughts you think, the word choices you use and your actions and behaviors.
Something beautiful happens when women are feeling empowered – they begin to empower OTHER women, too!
Sometimes, we need to take a step back and remember or see what empowerment really looks like and bring our awareness to it.
Empowering women starts within our communities, our families, neighborhoods, workplaces.
So, in honor of celebrating women all month, I have an invitation for you to share all the empowerment vibes with the amazing women around you…
Here are some powerful ways we can empower each other:
- Give words of encouragement to other women
- Listen to other women with an open heart
- Stop the gossip and stop talking negatively about other women
- Use your voice, lovingly.
- Compliment another woman (and yourself)
- Create a safe and inviting spaces for other women to be themselves and feel heard
- Help a mom-friend out
- Remind another woman of her strengths and encourage her to use them on a daily basis, making her stronger each and every day
- Replace negative thoughts & language with positivity – words make a difference.
These suggestions will have you doing small, loving acts for others and for yourself… and these simple acts, over time, will create powerful change and transformation in your life and in the lives of others.
Remember when I told you how I was feeling extra inspired this month?
Well, the stories I received from our community around women empowering women gave me CHILLS!!
One of the most powerful and deeply resonating stories I received was from a dear family friend, Lynne. And I am grateful and humbled to be sharing it with you, here.
Lynne is thriving, yes THRIVING through her 2nd diagnosis with cancer, because she decided she wanted to do things different than the first time around.
She has decided consciously to choose a hybrid approach of both conventional and Functional Medicine. Healing her body as naturally as she can using food as medicine, movement and powerful thought transformations etc…
The incredibly beautiful and inspiring aspect of this experience, is that the women around her are consciously supporting her choices — she has gathered a team of women around her to support her on her journey.
Lynne writes:
“Honestly, I have been blessed by many women mentors over the years. I could write pages on each of them! But in my current reflection, there was one common thread.
They believed in me, encouraged me and told me that I could do it!
Whether it was my mom telling me “you can do this” when I was frustrated in High School; or Susan, the professor in college Leadership, who constantly commented on my writing and encouraged me; or Lynne and Marilyn at U of I and Parkland College who each encouraged me to “go for it!” whenever a new project came up; Audalee who told me that I’d be great as a bank manager (even though I’d never been in banking!); Margi who challenged me to stretch and grow and who encouraged me to mentor other women; and my Aunt Kathy who is always challenging me to be me.
I think it’s part of our responsibility to share with younger generations the same encouragement that we have received.”
This statement from Lynne is incredibly powerful and resonates deeply for me… I so so appreciate you, Lynne, for allowing us to learn and grow from your wisdom.
It is with my very being that I feel as women, WE need to show the future generations and each other and even ourselves what empowerment looks like and feels like.
I think the biggest questions you can ask yourself today is “What does empowerment look like to me?” and “How can I empower another woman today?”
I would LOVE to hear your answers to the those big questions in the comments below!
As always, thanks for reading and participating. If you know someone who would be served by this content, please be kind and share. We would be grateful forever for that.
With all my love,