April 2000: Realized certain foods and my body didn’t always agree. At 200 pounds and 13 years old, taunted as ‘Obese Elyse’ in middle school and never feeling well, I KNEW if I didn’t change, I would end up down a long negative path.
I sat down around the kitchen table with my parents and told them I wanted to change. I knew I wasn’t supposed to look and feel this way. The search started for someone who could help me make food AND behavior change. Met my mentor for life, Carole. We transformed my eating lifestyle from processed to whole real foods, non-organic to organic. Within 2-months, I lost 50 pounds, my skin cleared up,and my nails and my hair began to grow again. I realized, ‘holy guacamole!’ Realized FOOD IS MEDICINE and knew this was my purpose in life (lightbulb). I set my life’s intention and journey to become a nutritionist so I could teach and empower others to transform their lifestyle!