Why Should You Plan For Your Health?

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Get ready, because this is a juicy topic… and I’m giving it to you like a martini – straight up (shaken, not stirred)!

Want to feel full of energy and have the greatest health & happiness of your life?

Well… I hate to break it to you, but vibrant health is not going to just fall into your lap.

It is something you have to play an active role in planning for and creating

Imagine that you are about to set out or embark on a monumental journey. You’ve highlighted the guidebooks, read all the reviews on TripAdvisor, and even booked the Air BnBs.

Your goal is CLEAR.

You wouldn’t go on that trip without a road map. How would you get where you want to go? How or what would you do if you cross a point in your journey that requires a different set of directions?

You need a clearly defined plan. See the similarities?…. Your travel journey = your health journey. There will be ups, downs, plateaus, and times when you just feel like giving up.

So let’s talk about WHY you should be 

Having a plan (that fits your lifestyle) is what can keep you going (especially when the going gets tough) and supports you as your guide and your compass towards health.

Here are 3 things you can start doing now to begin planning from an empowered place:

0-01Start with how you want to feel on a daily basis. Connecting to and grounding into the feeling you want to experience throughout your day will influence the choices you make.

Check in with yourself throughout the day and make sure you are experiencing that desired feeling. Is what you are doing, eating, who you are spending time with giving you the feeling you wanted? If not, what can YOU do to change it?

Have a structure for your day so you know what’s coming, this cuts out the stress and overwhelm. You can plan your meals, get your mindset right and think through some of the barriers that might come up for you so you can be prepared to fly through them with ease.

We need to plan for our health because our daily lifestyle — the food we eat, people we see, places we go, thoughts that we think… all influence our life, which in turn influences our health.

Do you feel like you are planning from an empowered place? What could you be doing differently? Let me know in the comments below what your biggest challenge is in planning for your health?

I am SO passionate about empowered planning that I have created a soulful sanctuary for you to plan for your health and happiness.